8BitVape currently offers an API with no limits or restrictions. This will probably change in the future.
Endpoints are GET only and return data in JSON. You are free to use the data in any way you wish. Local caching is allowed and recommended. Commercial use is allowed (for now) without credit.
Warning! API is beta. End points and features may change whenever.
Method: GET
URL: https://8bitvape.com/api/mix/*slug*
Description: Return a mix by its unique slug
Method: GET
URL: https://8bitvape.com/api/search/*term*
Description: Search names of mixes and return results
Method: GET
URL: https://8bitvape.com/api/find/*term*
Description: Search names of mixes and return first result
Method: GET
URL: https://8bitvape.com/api/user/*username*
Description: Return mixes by a username
Method: GET
URL: https://8bitvape.com/api/user/find/*username*
Description: Find a user and return mixes
Method: GET
URL: https://8bitvape.com/api/flavour/*slug*
Description: Return information about a flavour
Method: GET
URL: https://8bitvape.com/api/flavour/*slug*
Description: Return comments for a mix
There are some basic JS functions used by nibblr in the GitHub repo here.
If you have questions or comments, join IRC and ask there.